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April 5th-7th

Daily Zoom Ceremonies

8-9am HST | 11am-12pm PT | 2-3pm ET

Recordings available each day

Register for FREE!

Beloved, your day has come to Rise...
Tomb of Secrets

Session 1 | April 5th


Crucifixion of the Masculine

Burial of the Feminine

Sacred Sex Sacrament


Grieving the death of the Essential Self

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Session 2 | April 6th


Inner Beloved Meditation

Everlasting Bloom

Holy Anointing


Abandoning our unworthiness

Beloved Companion
Wealth of Women

Session 3

Currents of Trust

Magdalene Oracle

Holy Inheritance


Resurrecting Feminine leadership

What is lost will now return to you...
You Receive

Intro to cutting edge teachings for FREE


3 Live Ceremonies

Life-changing experiential teaching transmissions on the archetypes of the Sacred Feminine. 

Recording access for 72 hrs.


Sacred Sisterhood

Connect with like-minded souls in our Mighty Networks sisterhood

Upgrade for...

Just $27 to receive so much more...

(value $357)

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Sanctuary Pass

Free pass to join our next Sophia Sanctuary!

April 13th

(Value $33)

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Masterclass Bundle

Receive 3 cutting edge masterclasses on the Divine Feminine

Rose & Moon | I Am The Temple | I Belong

(value $291)

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Extended Recordings Access

Receive full & free access to all our event recordings for up to 3 months!

(Value $33)


"I wanted to do it not only for me, but for my little girls…

to receive the divine mother’s guidance in such a potent energetic container- it will change you. And it will change everyone around you too."

Rani / Women's Circle Leader & Shamanic Apprenctice

Are you ready to rise from your tomb of smallness, Sister?

Register by April 4th at Midnight!


Gain instant access to our sisterhood

Your essential Self is ready to be rebirthed...
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"Shardai does an incredible job at leading you along a journey that is both deeply spiritual and ethereal and so real and practical at the same time.

This has been a turning point for sure!"

Link / Rose Temple sister & Isis Initiation Grad

This is for you if you desire to...


  • Live a ceremonial life, where you are vibrantly alive & deeply connected to your purpose

  • Learn the Sacred pathway to resurrect your Sacred Feminine essence

  • Reclaim your place and voice in spirituality, as a woman of honor and worth

  • Heal patriarchal wounds from your judeo-christian, or spiritual upbringing, and embrace the healthy Masculine


  • Create more abundance and confidence in your leadership

  • Reclaim the way of the Feminine by embracing embodied ceremony and ritual practice within an ancient lineage

  • Find belonging within a loving sisterhood that 'gets' you for being 'different'

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"The temple is where I feel my purest; most divine self. It’s why I am here. It illuminates my soul essence....Thank you for reminding me. "

Candice / Rose Temple sister & Isis Initiation Grad

Is the Rose Woman calling you?

Register by April 4th at Midnight!


Gain instant access to our sisterhood

with Shardai Magdalena Rose Moon

Rose Priestess & Shamanic Ceremonialist

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"Shardai’s transmissions are gentle yet potent, powerful and healing... So many synchronicities have been showing up in my life since journeying with her as the magic transitions from the dream realm to reality."

Ellie C. / Women's Facilitator & Astrologer

Do you feel the light of rebirth in your womb?
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