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|Reclaim Your Feminine Power|

A 3-Step Spiral into the Center of Isis' Temple

0- Isis Invocation ~ Your first meeting with one of the greatest Goddesses of all time

1- Heroine of Her-story ~ Vibrational detox of the 7 Poisons of the Patriarchy stored within you

2- Empath Enthroned ~ Activation of the 7 Gates of Sacred Feminine power within you, and reclamation of your solar feminine leadership

3- Rooted in Starlight ~ Opening of the 7 portals of light within your body that are stargates to your Divine gifts

Align with your Truth.

Awaken your life of purpose.

Plant your seeds of prosperity.

Find your Heart’s authentic calling.

Remember your Essential Feminine Self.


For Women awakening in service to their heartfelt mission, needing to be resourced from abundance and truth.

Alchemize your fears, limiting beliefs, and societal constraints, into inner and outer Alchemical Gold.

The True riches of life await for you to re-member them, and to claim them as your dowry from the Beloved within.

Your Truth shall set you Free.

No need to wait, you can start your journey TODAY!

Start for FREE

Isis Invocation 3- part journey

Heroine of Herstory

8 weeks | $277

Empath Enthroned

12 weeks | $377

Rooted in Starlight

8 weeks | $277

Private Journey

Option to be personally guided through 1:1 sound journeys & healing activations

For the woman ready to be deeply initiated into her power and magic.

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Choose from one or all of the 7 week journeys:

Detoxing, Empowering, or Illuminating


Each 7 session series

+ Free access to the corresponding

on-demand course

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