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On Demand Access

with shardai Moon​


Join us for a powerful virtual temple experience for women

*Recordings available

Shardai walks you through this page:

Are you ready to break the spell of the patriarchy and unfurl your golden wings?


"I wanted to do it not only for me, but for my little girls…


to receive the divine mother’s guidance in such a potent energetic container- it will change you. And it will change everyone around you too.


If you have ever admired a woman in her power… It’s a doorway away.

Allow these women to open the doors, and show you that that is within you.


I advise any woman who is tired of sitting on the sidelines or sitting behind somebody to say YES..."



~Rani, A. 

View Rani's mini or full video testimonial copy.jpg

"when she speaks
the earth and skies tremble
in ecstasy


cracking open
with the bliss
of birthing waters


the nations bow down
before her
regal gaze


by the truth

once hidden
in tear drops


now revealed after a long

and silent slumber

when the earth and skies

within her

cracked open once again"

- Shardai Moon, with Isis

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The Journey

Over 7 sacred weeks, we will spiral together as a heart-centered sisterhood.


You will be guided to free yourself from the 7 poisons of the patriarchy that are holding you hostage,
so you can re-ignite the 7 true desires of your sacred feminine nature.


You will be initiated in the etheric Temple of Isis through transformational energy work, myth-telling, sound journeying & written oracle.


You will be steeped in the living Myth of Isis, as you mythically re-write yourself as the Heroine of your own story.





  • Experience the ancient art of participating in a Priestess Temple

  • Receive teachings from the myths of Egypt, and Herstory wisdom transmissions from the ancient Goddess

  • Identify where exactly each of the patriarchal poisons are showing up in YOUR life.

  • Journey into the frequency and teachings of one "chamber" of the Temple of Isis at a time, so you can zero in on different aspects of your life.

  • Be cleansed from each poison as you receive deeply cathartic energy work and sacred sound-scapes.

  • "Disrobe" down to your radiant essence, and surrender into who you truly are.

  • Be invited to share your experience, and be lovingly witnessed within our confidential sisterhood.

Each week you will...


"This Isis journey with Shardai was life changing... radical at times, and gentle at times...

It is a place to be witnessed, supported, and empowered within a loving sisterhood...

which Shardai cultivated with her kind heart, and the fierceness of Isis."


~Joy, K.  

Alchemize your fears, limiting beliefs, and societal constraints, into inner and outer alchemical gold

Benefits of the Journey

These are a compilation of the REAL LIFE results our graduates have told us about:


  • Move from feeling small and insignificant, or resentful and pent-up, to feeling FREE and LIBERATED to be yourself.


  • Heal your relationships to the toxic masculine (and to men), so you can invite beneficial relationships to the healthy masculine back into your life.


  • Move from co-dependency and people-pleasing, to knowing and speaking your own boundaries and truth.


  • More deeply connect to your own inner Heroine's story– the myth that holds the keys to your power.


  • Recover from your upbringing in patriarchal religions, and reclaim your spiritual sovereignty. 


  • Receive a priceless sisterhood of loving support and belonging.


  • Heal from the mistruths of our unhealthy patriarchal society, so you can feel FREE to be YOU again.


  • Reclaim the strength of your inner Goddess, and your connection to your Goddess lineages.


  • Identify and heal the parts of you that are lost in a story you don't actually belong in.

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Do You Crave a Deep
Soul Exhale...

I invite you into a new experience.

Something that may surprise you.

Something mysterious and alluring, and maybe even a bit dangerous.

Join me through the layered veils of the unknown, down the spiral staircase, and into the depths of who you truly are.

There you will enter the inner sanctums of Self, where you will cleanse yourself of the world around you, and bear witness to your unique sacred feminine radiance.

During this 7 week journey, you will be guided in a deep process of transformative freedom, within a heart-centered circle of sisters.


"Your goddess medicine these past two days is changing me. On a cellular level. I have been seeking YOU, isis - all the priestesses and wasn’t aware of my deep sacred yearning to connect. 

The Temple is where I feel my purest- most divine self. It's why I am here. It illuminates my soul essence....Thank you for reminding me. The way you lead this is incredible and I am wrapping you in my deepest tear-stricken gratitude beauty."


~Candis C.  

Why Isis?

Mother | Queen | Initiatrix

With Isis as your guide, you will receive a no-nonsense initiation that will usher you straight into your bliss.


Isis is coming forward to you now, carrying the medicine of fierce love in Her hands. The exact medicine that is needed to repair our world and our hearts at this unique time on Earth.

A love that is uncompromising in its devotion to truth, clarity, and compassion for all beings.


Isis invites you into her loving arms...


to deeply exhale all the pain that has been stirred up these past years; we all have been confronted with the truth of the patriarchal world… a world that we had accepted.


    Isis is offering to shine her golden light
    into all those places within you that are
    ready to live a new story.

    A story that is yours to tell as a

    A story that honors your sovereign

    A truth that is unencumbered by self
    doubt, lack of value, or division.


    A truth that is yours to discover and to


    A truth that holds your unique sacred feminine radiance.

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Are you ready to break the spell of the patriarchy and start writing a new story for humanity?

Reclaim what no one can truly take from you- the power of your sacred feminine essence.

Why Detox from the Patriarchy?

If you, like so many others, have been feeling...
at war with others or yourself 









these are all symptoms of patriarchal poisoning. 

These poisons are not a part of our normal state of being, they are something we have been taught to feel and act out, and we have normalized them over millennia.

They are not MEN. They are the imbalanced masculine principle in all of us.


they are toxic beliefs, stored within our physical and energetic bodies. And they dictate our lives, to the extent that we unconsciously allow them.


It is time for them to go.


As women, we are here to break the chain of this abuse for self and world. 


With the Goddess' healing presence, you will become aware of the possibility to feel...






at peace






This is your birthright.


"This course is life-changing and powerful.

I highly recommend this course to any and all sisters that are ready to heal outdated patriarchal programming,

preventing their ability to show up in the 'man' built world, in their full and beautiful power."


~Amanda M.

On This Journey You Will...

  • Release the old belief systems that have been keeping you sidelined as a woman, and start to reclaim your sovereign throne.


  • Uncover the true desires of your inner feminine nature, and start to radiate them outwards.


  • Lay down your burdens around living in a male-oriented world, especially in the realms of religion/spirituality and leadership, and come home to the eternal Goddess within.


  • Forgive yourself and those around you for the hardships of your life, and reclaim your healthy boundaries.


  • Clear the pathway to manifesting your true desires for your life: greater relationships with the healthy masculine, prosperity, health, authenticity with self expression...​​


You will detox from the oppressive stories holding you- and a whole society of women- hostage, and start to unabashedly shine forth the light of your true power.

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You Will Receive


7 Week journey

  • 8 Myth & Sound Journey Temples (120 mins) | so you can vibrationally detox from the poisons of the patriarchy, and be steeped in the living myth of the Goddess

  • 1 Live group mentoring session (60 mins) | so you can feel the intimate support of our sisterhood, led by our graduates.

  • 7 Scrolls of Wisdom from Isis (PDF) | so you can receive the ancient medicine & words of encouragement from Isis– minus the papyrus!

  • 7 Journal Contemplations (Writeable PDF) | so you can track your own patterns and the influx of synchronicities as you make the choice to reclaim your freedom

  • 7 Integration Practices (PDF) | so you can integrate, process and deepen into your own self-initiation as you journey.

  • Private Course-Only Mighty Network Group | so you can be held up and held to account by our heart-centered circle of sacred witnesses here to remember you as whole

  • Mighty Network classroom portal for all materials | so you can easily access your materials on an organized, beautiful, and password-protected site​


You will all have additional access to

  • Recordings of all Temple Calls

  • Access to all the separate Sound Journey tracks

  • Our larger, Mighty Networks community


Including these lovely bonuses​

  • Isis Altar Card

  • Poisons & Desires Altar Cards

  • Fall of the Patriarchy: Special intro event recording

  • Isis Invocation: Special 3-day journey, event recording



1:1 Option

Add on 3 Private Sessions​

  • +3, Private Council Sessions with Shardai (50 mins) | so you can receive personal and intimate support for your own unique journey, and take a quantum leap in your personal growth

  • +Session Notes & Access to 1:1 support so you can receive a customized experience to dive deep and track your unique patterns of stuck-ness or healing

  • +Discounted session pricing ($195/each) | so you can get the most out of your investment in this experience, at Shardai's lowest private session rate


"I wasn't sure what to expect when doing the Isis program, having never done anything like this before.

Shardai was welcoming and relatable. It was helpful to engage with the other sisters during the program and witness each other in our journeys.

I feel more at peace with where I'm at in life and the not knowing of it all, while trusting that my alignment with help me find the next step when I need it."


~Jennifer L.

For an Offering of...

  • 7 Live Temple Ceremonies (& recordings)​

  • 1 Opening Ceremony

  • 7 Channeled Wisdom Teachings

  • 7 Unique Sound Medicine Journeys

  • 7 Journal Contemplations

  • 7 Integration practices

  • Private Mighty Network Group

  • Sisterhood of support

  • Optional discounted private sessions



  • Printable Isis Altar Card

  • Poisons & Desires printable Altar Cards

  • Fall of the Patriarchy: Special intro event recording

  • Isis Invocation: Special 3-day journey, event recording

The Energy-Exchange...

8 Week Group Course​

Embodied Temple journey to free yourself from the 7 patriarchal poisons & reclaim herstory

Chamber by Chamber...

You will be guided on a comprehensive soul cleanse, as one-by-one we challenge old beliefs and strategies sourced from the patriarchy, to free your essential feminine desires- what it is you are truly after. 


Week 1

Remove the poisons of deceit & betrayal, and expand into the ecstasy of life. Move from feeling suppressed in your sexuality and pleasure, to feeling free and expansive.


Week 2
Oct 26th

Remove the poisons of greed & scarcity, and identify your true longings for life. Move from constantly feeling the lack of time, energy, money, into a balanced flow of abundance in all areas of your life.

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Week 3

Remove the poisons of shame & blame, and reclaim your compassionate heart. Move from a hardened or closed-down heart, into deep connection, forgiveness of self & other, and free expression of your joy.

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Week 4

Remove the poisons of disempowerment & control, and come back into your sovereign truth. Move from second-guessing yourself, to trusting your inner knowing. Honor your own unique wisdom.

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Week 5

Remove the poisons of isolation & division, and find unity with all of creation. Move from feeling alone, to feeling deeply connected to all your relations. Re-access your direct link to the Divine Creatrix/ Great Mystery.

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Week 6

Remove the poisons of hatred & war, and reclaim your ability to alchemize -or transform lead into gold- and heal. Move from inner/outer violence to active peace. Discover your innate abilities as a healer.

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Week 7

Remove the poisons of paralysis & fear, and step into the initiation of your life. Move from trying to escape from or feeling lost in the world, and find the momentum of your purpose. Officially close out our journey together.

Add on 1:1

Seperate payment for 3 Private Sessions

So you can thoroughly harvest all the unique gold from your experience and gain more value from the process

1:1 addition is the highest rated experience of our Temple sisters

I am calling my daughters home
I am trembling beneath your feet
I am ready to witness your raw and sacred power
come alive again...
Are you ready to move
and be moved by me?
- Isis via Shardai

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What Other Women are Saying...

"My inner Goddess has emerged! Shardai's Beautiful Spirit Sees you, Honors you, Respects you, and wonderfully Guides you through a process of transformation." -Joyce K.



"There are no words to describe the spiritual journey she took me on. I am just in awe of her and her practice." -Chanta S.



“In taking this journey I was seeking to remember myself and to remind myself I am on the right path. I found beauty, wisdom, kindness, and compassion in journeying and the amazing places Shardai took us to.

My main take-away was how important taking this time for myself has become.

After our journey I am slowing down and remembering how beautiful it is to have more quiet moments…appreciating the sacredness of the day…so important. I have found quietness deep within, in going into my Temple space daily and making my art a priority.

If I was speaking to the past me that was first considering this journey, I would have said: ‘Listen to your inner voice-what an awesome adventure you will go on!’ ” -Sandra B.



"Shardai is the real deal... Do yourself a favor and spend some time with this lady :) You will be glad you did." -Dena K.



"This Isis journey with Shardai was life changing... radical at times, and gentle at times...It is a place to be witnessed, supported, and empowered within a loving sisterhood...which Shardai cultivated with her kind heart, and the fierceness of Isis." -Joy



"I stepped into this work having very little previous knowledge of Isis and immediately felt the transformative power of Shardai's work with Isis on this journey. It has affected me and helped me in my healing on many levels, and I feel the initiation continuing to work with me on a conscious and subconscious level.

Shardai holds beautiful space and throughout this journey I felt held and supported with the other sisters. Thank you for this incredible work and offering." ~Ellie Cleary 



"This course is life changing and powerful. The shifts that have taken place within my soul and human, have no real words. The lens I see the world out of has changed considerably, in full trust and awareness of my ability to co-create this reality with my soul team.

The awareness of the patriarchal wounds I carry, and the deep understanding and knowing that I am able to embrace the human as I utilize my awakened and embodied tools to heal and clear these wounds.

I highly recommend this course to any and all sisters that are ready to embody the divine masculine within, and to heal outdated patriarchal programming preventing their ability to show up in this ‘man’ built world, in their full and beautiful power." -Amanda Montoya



"I wasn't sure what to expect when doing the Isis Program, having never done anything like this before. Shardai was welcoming and relatable. It was helpful to engage with the other sisters during the program and witness each other in our journeys.

I feel more at peace with where I'm at in life and the not knowing of it all, while trusting that my alignment with help me find the next step when I need it." -Jennifer Landsdowe



"Shardai is a gentle soul who holds a powerful space for healing. She meets you where you are and walks with you, shoulder to shoulder, along your path. I highly recommend Shardai for healing and removing blockages." -Adrienne C.


“My life has been in a state of near-constant upheaval and
Shardai led me through a powerful clearing ritual/healing
exercise that left me with a more balanced perspective and a greater sense of possibility. She has a serene presence which allowed me to go deep within myself and express sentiments that I never before voiced aloud. It was a revelatory process and Shardai was the most supportive of witnesses.” -Angela V. 



"Shardai is beautifully intuitive and supportive in this inner growth work. I would absolutely recommend her." -Pele Moka



"Shardai has been an absolute asset to my spiritual and personal development… she was able to clear blockages that inhibited my ability to channel and align with my intuition. I recommend Shardai to anyone who wants to take the next step in stepping into their true essence!” -A.G.M.



“Shardai has the sweetest energy, and holds such a loving space for the person in her presence. I left feeling so light and open in the areas that were tight and full of gunk.” -Dena K.



“Wow. My experience of working with Shardai was absolutely incredible & highly recommendable.” -Jessica D.


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