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Monday, July 22nd

9am-11pm HST | 12-2pm PT | 3-5pm ET

LIVE & recorded on zoom

(recording available for 72 hours or upgrade for unlimited)


Register for FREE Today

Beloved, your day has come to feast & be feasted!

"I wanted to do it not only for me, but for my little girls…

to receive the divine mother’s guidance in such a potent energetic container- it will change you. And it will change everyone around you too."

Rani / Women's Circle Leader & Shamanic Apprenctice


Magdalene Herstory

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Holy Oils Anointing Practice


Rose Energy Healing

Magdalene Wisdom Vault
Kiss of the Goddess

Guided Self Anointing & Stories of the Priestess


with our beloved Elder, Diana Dubrow of the Emerald Temple


Access these bonus recordings through July 25th


Magdalene Jazz Club

An evening of musical and sensual delights

~with Elayne Kalila Doughty

Sacrament of the Beloved

Interview on Heiros Gamos, the Holy Womb & Divine Sacrament

 ~with Robin Flynn


Sacred Sexuality

Reclaiming our sensuality & sensuality via the Magdalene

~ with Dr. Kelly Klein

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Evolving Rage into Power

Free-form dance practice to evolve our rage into power

~with Erin Duffy-Burke


Kundalini Dance

Practice to transmute karmic energy in your sexual centers ~with Lyndsay Lila


Magdalene Transmission

Activating the triple rose of your womb, heart, mind

~with Shardai Moon

Don't Miss This!

Upgrade for a Special Deepening immersion


Magdalene Retreat

Instant access to a daylong retreat of 3 powerful sessions with Shardai and expert Magdalenas.​ Deepen your personal connection and devotion to Her.


Choose upon checkout for automatic discounted price.

Session 1

Guided Journey

Holy Sacrament

Magdalene Gospel

Blood lineage reclamation

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with special guest

Lillian Love

Session 2


Magdalene Rosary


Blessing of Embodiment

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with special guest

Claire Sierra

Session 3

Sounds of Praise

Magdalene Oracle

Divine Love

Activate Ascension Codes

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with special guest

Amma Sophia Rose

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"Shardai does an incredible job at leading you along a journey that is both deeply spiritual and ethereal and so real and practical at the same time.

This has been a turning point for sure!"

Link / Rose Temple sister & Isis Initiation Grad

Your inner Magdalene holds the keys to your...
Power | Love | Wisdom
This is for you if you desire to...


  • Learn more about the Magdalene and Her story that is OUR story.

  • Practice the ancient art of self-anointing with essential oils or olive oil of your own.

  • Receive powerful energy healing from the Magdalene for your life.

  • Gather in a diverse sisterhood of devotion, with the teachings of LOVE at the center.

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"The temple is where I feel my purest; most divine self. It’s why I am here. It illuminates my soul essence....Thank you for reminding me. "

Candice / Rose Temple sister & Isis Initiation Grad

Do you feel the call to re-devote yourself to Love?
You will find that you...
  • Build a relationship with your inner Magdalene, even if you have never 'met' her before

  • Re-Activate your power, confidence, and devotion, through sisterhood, celebration and joy.

  • Receive powerful guidance for wherever you are feeling stuck in life, from your Feminine blood & spirit lineages.

  • Re-devote yourself to your sacred path, and find clarity on your next steps in life.

  • Walk away feeling full-filled, feasted, honored, and elevated on your soul's journey.


"The shifts that have taken place within my soul and human, have no real words. The lens I see the world out of has changed considerably, in full trust and awareness of my ability to co-create this reality with my soul team.​

amanda / Yin Yoga teacher & Shamanic Apprenctice

Welcome home to the Rose Sisterhood!
Together we will...


  • Partake in a Feast of Sacrament, where we will remember we are the living body & chalice of the Magdalene-Christ.

  • Journey to reconnect with our healing blood-lines of Magdalenas, and receive their medicine.

  • Practice Prayer and Anointing, as potent ways to deepen into the wisdom of our hearts.

  • Receive an entire Magdalene Vault of teachings from renown modern-day Magdalenas.

  • Gather as a Sacred sisterhood of the Rose, in non-denominational devotion to the way of LOVE.

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"I feel more at peace with where I'm at in life and the not knowing of it all, while trusting that my alignment will help me find the next step when I need it"

Jennifer L. / Meditation Teacher

With your Priestess Guide
Shardai Magdalena Rose Moon, RN-BSN
Certified Priestess Temple guide | Initiated Rose & Scent Priestess | Sanctioned PMT Shamanic Teacher | Psych RN | Best-selling Author | Advanced Shamanic Practitioner

 I am here to guide your highest transformation back to LOVE, sister!


All live sessions are virtual on zoom 

Recordings available within 72hrs of event, with option to upgrade for forever access.​


Wisdom Vault content dripped out to you as our event nears.


Our retreat sisterhood & all recorded content is hosted on a private Mighty Networks platform.


Upgrade purchase is non-refundable, and non-transferable.


The Details...

"Shardai’s transmissions are gentle yet potent, powerful and healing... So many synchronicities have been showing up in my life since journeying with her as the magic transitions from the dream realm to reality."

Ellie C. / Women's Facilitator & Astrologer

Do you feel the remembrance stirring in your blood?
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